(678) 221-4143


Underneath the surface…

It lives. And it grows. You know how you should feel, but the monster interrupts you with irritation, resentment, or even a sense of disgust.

Injustice and a sense of unfairness plague your mind. Resentment grows even stronger as you make your way toward bitterness.

Behind it all? Anger. Anger is the feeling behind these thoughts, looping and looping in your head. It’s a rugged road – and a ragged you – slogging and tramping through anger.

You were never meant to be like this!

And if you are sincere, you don’t like being so angry all the time.

Are you happy and notice that it bothers you? Weird, yes? But that’s what I’m talking about. Being happy for yourself or others has always been elusive for you. “It’s not fair!” sums it up – even when you know it shouldn’t.

Empathy and compassion are needed here –

as your story unfolds with me.

I’m here to listen – but also to direct the hurt you’ve suffered as a true victim of unfortunate circumstances.

There are bad people in the world, and bad things happen. But counseling can help heal and move you into a place where anger no longer serves you. Where forgiveness makes sense and makes all the difference.

Getting to the heart of the issue.

You are a victim of circumstances – true – but it’s not the circumstances that trigger your anger. And when you stop to think about it, you know I’m right.

The problem lies in a much earlier time, and it’s wreaking havoc with your emotions. Whether it’s a secret you already know about or one we’ll discover together, it’s not about now

It’s about back then.

Learning to transcend…

Forgiveness may feel like a cheap shot or like I’m some amateur in light of what you’ve had to struggle within your life. I assure you – I’m no amateur.

And let’s say there are insights into your problem that will give you a new space to live and think. A better place where YOU will say you’re closer to yourself, to God, and others!

Wow, right?

Banish bitterness. Rediscover your joy.

Problems like this don’t fade.

They move from bad to worse over time – unless you do something about them.

You’ve felt the monster, and you know resentment pops up in certain ways. If you don’t start working on this, then bitterness – the deepest form of hardened anger that we must unseat for profound relief – takes over.

Take that first step. Reach out, and let’s talk (678) 221-4143. Together, we can face it head-on.

And you can start living the life you want to live again.