(678) 221-4143


Alienated. Crushed. Powerless. Uninspired.

“It’s too late for me now. Nobody can help me.”

“It won’t make a difference; what’s the point?”

“I just don’t see a future; I feel like giving up because I don’t see how I’ll ever be happy again.”

“Things are never going to get better.”

If these statements sound all too familiar, you may have encountered a mythical beast, indeed.

The unicorn of emotions

A very depressed person once told me that hopelessness is unique among the negative emotions.

He said it’s the only one that causes you to truly believe you’re right when you’re dead wrong.

I couldn’t agree with him more.

But if you’re reading this and hopelessness is a constant companion, I expect you’ll politely disagree.

Though I often wonder why hopeless folks even come to therapy, I enjoy working with you very much – and I can help.

It’s not too late – unless you let it be.

If you don’t treat it, it’s only going to get worse. I expect you already know this and have seen this in your own life over the many painstaking years you’ve endured this condition.

Tackling the towering thoughts of doom and pointlessness through spirited dialogue is tiring, but a personal favorite of mine – I totally hate depression.

But I really care about depressed people.

Hopelessness may weave its tangled web in your head and weigh down your heavy heart, but there’s a way out. I can help you find it.

Capture the beast. Rediscover your joy. Your Drive. Your Zest.

Reach out to me. Let’s talk (678) 221-4143.

We can do many things to treat a truly hopeless feeling.

Ultimately, forging a relationship between us is the most powerful agent of change. I’ve done it time and time again; I can help you feel better.