(678) 221-4143

Professional Wellness

Always tired?

Or angry? Or confused?

Working folks have stress, too! So, whether you hold a meaningful position in a life-long profession or you’re looking to quit as soon as you can, talking through vocational career problems with me often proves very helpful.

Freud was right when he said there’re only two things in life: the personal and the professional, love and work.

These two powerful forces intermingle on the job. They can propel you forward – or leave you bruised and beaten. Experience may be telling you it’s time to talk things out with me – a seasoned therapist willing to listen. Wanting to lend a hand.

Whether you recognize them or not,…

The psychological dynamics of your occupation are there.

And, believe it or not, the challenges can be unique to you on many levels. There are ways of seeing a piece of business differently.

Our sessions can give you room to have powerful insights into yourself and your profession. I’m not an expert in your field – but I am an expert in interpersonal skills you need to succeed in your workaday world.

Work smarter; think better.

If you do, you can. I’ve helped millionaires to minimum wagers get emotionally organized, and I can help you, too.

Honestly, nothing can bring peace like money. And nothing can bring worry like money. Your efforts are tied up in the phenomenon of INCOME. And so much anxiety over success OR failure serves to disrupt a better outcome.

So, how do we turn drudgery into luxury?

What makes work a joy?

This all works around the understanding of your value, a very difficult term to nail down on your own. But as your value becomes plain, so does your purpose.

And when you feel your purpose clearly, you can also feel your sense of direction.

You’ll find energy where you thought there was none.

Get excited about Monday morning again!

Please call me today (678) 221-4143. Together, we can create the springboard for insights and creative answers.

Let’s get started today!