(678) 221-4143

Ready to try something new?

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Counseling Online Videochat or Over-the-Phone

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The car starts and you head home…

“Another day, another dollar.”

“And you can’t help thinking… what’s the point of all this?”

“Who cares? Nothing matters. I need counseling.”

But everything sure does hurt a lot.

“I can’t do it; I don’t want to do it! Not another, single day of this… I need to find a therapist near me.”

[Body tense, mind tight. Keep it together.]

“But the boredom, the anxiety, the exhaustion, the risks… how much longer can I keep faking it?”

[Stay busy. Distract. Keep. It. Together.]

“What about the people who’ve hurt me? And why am I so anxious about money?”

[Remain in control. Hang on.]

Hang on for what exactly?

“Life is a trap, I’m stuck, and sinking fast…”

“Wait! What? I don’t believe that…”

“But, I do…, I really do. And I’ve got to find a better way.”

This life hasn’t worked out for a long

Longer than you can remember.

It would help if you had some answers, and you’ve heard others recommend counseling as a way to get them.

“Well…, I’m finally going to give counseling a try.”

Contact Me
to schedule an appointment

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Hi, I’m Michael.

I’m a professional counselor! I help others get better, and I can help you, too!

I was a university professor for ten years and have been a full-time counselor for 19.

My focus is on talk therapy. I help people who may function well on the outside but are not feeling good on the inside.

Maybe you can’t remember a time you didn’t struggle inside. But together, we can uncover the YOU that knows how to be happy and whole.

I am genuinely interested in helping you.

In our time together, you can achieve greater awareness of self and your relationships with others.

We can translate your growth into better experiences. We will discover the wisdom and insight needed to make your problems solvable. And in time… rest, hope, and understanding will come.

More About Me

How Can I Help You?

So give me a call.

We can chat for 15 minutes and decide if we should talk some more.

We can meet over-the-phone, or on a video chat.

It can make all the difference. And you’ll be glad you did!

“Finding a therapist that is right for me can be overwhelming. With so many options available, it can be hard to know which counselor to choose. The best way to find a therapist near me is to start by researching counselor’s websites. Look for counselors that specialize in the areas of therapy that you are interested in, such as talk therapy, psychotherapy, counseling psychology or existential therapy. It helps to know a therapist understands me, how many years of experience they have, and specializations they may have. You can find out more information by calling, texting or emailing their office. A quick chat to see if they are willing to work with me makes sense. You can also ask friends, family, or your doctor for recommendations. It is important to find a therapist who is a good fit for me. Knowing who I connect with as my counselor before the first appointment is important. The website should answer all the questions about what I am going through. The therapist understands, they get me. Another option is to look for online counselors. This can be a great way to access therapy from the comfort of your own home, office, car or anywhere. Online therapy offers video-chat and over-the-phone counseling sessions. Once you have narrowed down your choices, the next step is to schedule an appointment. I offer a 15 minute free call! This is a great way to get to know the therapist and see if they feel comfortable working with me. No matter how you decide to find a therapist, it is important to remember that therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone has different needs and goals for therapy. Taking your time with the right therapist can make all the difference. With the right counselor, you can make strides towards a healthier and happier life.”

Let’s Talk